2013 - The 365 days Of Puppies A Year Calendar
by Workman Publishing Co., Inc.ISBN: 978-0-7611-6709-9

This calendar has two photos taken by us  - one of "Sonoma" (a female we no longer own), and one of "Denver" (one of our favorite males)
2013 Calendar Photos

"Sonoma" can be found on the top right corner of the opening page sitting on an American flag pillow (we thought they would use this photo for July 4th).
<- The original photo of "Denver".
"Denver" can be found in two places in this calendar - on the cover under the red banner, and in September 2013 - for Tuesday the 10th.
<- Original photo of "Sonoma"
We also think (but DO NOT know for sure) that the "Danbury Mint" again used our puppy "Shiloe" (that they have used many times in the past) again as a model for many of the puppies in their 2013 "Sweet Shelties" calendar!
Calendar Cover (NOT our dogs>
April 2013
August 2013
September 2013
May 2013